Frequently Asked Questions

The word Rei means Universal.

The word Ki means the same as Chi in Chinese,Prana in Sanskrit and Mana in Hawiian. It has also been called, odicforce, orgone and bioplasma. It has been given many other names by the various cultures that have been aware of it. Ki is the life force. It is also called the vital life force or the universal life force. This is the non physical energy that animates all living things. As long as something is alive, it has life force circulating through it and surrounding it: When it dies , the life force departs. If your life force is low, or if there is a restriction in its flow, you will be more vulnerable to illness. When it is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. Life force plays an important role in everything we do. It animates the body and is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life.

Ki is used by maritial artists in their physical training and mental development. It is used in meditative breathing exercises called pranayama, and by the shamans of allculutres for divination, psychic awareness,manifestation and healing. Ki is the nonphysical energy used by all healers. Ki is present all round us and can be accumulated and guided by the mind.
All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can only be channeled by someone that has been attuned to it. It is possible that some people are born with Reiki or have gotten it some other way. Most healers who have not received the Reiki attunement from a Reiki master are not using Reiki but another kind of life force. People who already do healing work consistently report an increase of at least fifty percent in the strength of their healing energies after taking the Reiki training.
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. It is transferred to the student by the Reiki master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.

The Reiki Attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled in to the student through the Reiki master. The process is guided by the Rei or god-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions and past life experiences.

Once you received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the reminder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. Experimentation has found that additional attunements of the same level add to the value of that level. These benefits include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity and a raised level of consciousness.

The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. Some students report experiences involving opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness and other psychic abilities after receiving a Reiki Attunement.

The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent upon intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone. Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. Because of this, the personality of the healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the experience. The feeling of being connected directly to god’s healing love and protection is clearly apparent.

In addition to using Reiki on others, you can also treat yourself. This is one of the wonderful advantages of Reiki. It works just as well on yourself as it does on others. Complete instruction is given in the Reiki training for self-treatment. The section on hand positions lists the steps necessary to give yourself a complete standard treatment.
We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body through path-ways called charkas, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.
Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use it has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury including serious problems like: multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, cold, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, poor memory, lack of confidence etc… It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance and has many benefits for both client and practitioner, including altered states of consciousness and spiritual experiences.

If client has ill health condition, and wants to be treated with Reiki, it is recommended that they do so under the supervision of an enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional. Reiki will improve the results of all medical treatment, acting to reduce negative side affect, shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress and help create optimism.
While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma and there is nothing you must believe in, in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact , Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from god, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.
After the attunement, all that is necessary for the practitioner to use Reiki is to place their hands on the person to be healed with the intention of healing. The Reiki energies will begin flowing automatically. Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do. It will communicate with the clients, higher self and use this information to decide where to go and what to do. The best results are achieved by simply remaining calm and relaxed and allowing Reiki to work.
Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them. One never need worry about whether to give Reiki or not. It is always helpful.

In addition, because the practitioner does not direct the healing and does not decide what to work on, or what to heal, the practitioner is not in any danger of taking on the karma of the client. Because the practitioner is not doing the healing, it is also much easier for the ego to stay out of the way and allow the presence of God to clearly shine through.
Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are never depleted. In fact, the Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both get treated. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases ones energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of wellbeing.